Women's sneakers Gucci Off white Ace Bee and Stars
Women's sneakers luxury brand Gucci white color. The sneakers have a smooth look and are tied with laces. On the outside, they are decorated with gold patches of bees and stars. The heels are flexible, they serve to make it easier to put on shoes or they can be worn as slippers. Other stripe patches are in the color combination of blue, white and red. The sneakers have been worn, they are slightly creased in the bend on the front leather and the insoles inside the shoe are worn. For these reasons, we give the sneakers four stars.
These goods can also be picked up in person by prior arrangement by telephone at one of our delivery points in Ostrava or Opava.
SLuxury rating:

Toto zboží je možné vyzvednout také osobně na základě předchozí telefonické domluvy v Opavě nebo v Ostravě.
folds in the leather, scuffed insoles inside the shoe
27 cm
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